Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Vianova: A New Road, With A LOT of Whiplash

With such a strange concept for music, one might question the if the sound could possibly be as good live. Turns out it's possible. The first time I saw the band, I remember somebody leaning over and telling me that Vianova was going to be "the best band of the night." He was completely right. The first song had the mosh pit going the hardest it went all night and the performance only got better. At two completely different points, the entire pit became a ballroom, people swaying and swinging each other around. Then an abrupt but welcome transition back to the fury of distortion pedals and screams. Absolute insanity. If you (for some inexplicable reason) still doubt that Vianova is incredible, go and listen to the EP and check out the live video for "No Sol in Solitude". I suggest you listen alone or blast it through a speaker, because you will begin moshing uncontrollably.

The phrase "via nova" is Latin for "a new road" or "a new way", which is an incredibly appropriate label for this band. One of the most innovative groups in Berlin's current metal scene, their EP "A Place I Want to Live in but I Don't Want to Die For" is relentless. To the delight of metal fans, the production quality is fantastic while maintaining an absolutely devastating tone. To the delight of talented guitarists, I'm pretty sure every single string on every single guitar is used on every single song, which doesn't always happen in the ever growing realm of metalcore. To the delight of every single music lover on the planet, the band is constantly experimenting with new sounds, hence the name Vianova. Every song is an individual work of art with a twist never seen coming, and I really mean that you won't see it coming. A Latin style dance section, a part shouted in Polish, and a violin solo that speeds up until it transforms into something that sounds like black metal.

Vianova's next performance will be at Metal Live Zone on November 23rd and I can't wait to see them in concert again. If you're booked that night or can't make it to Berlin, I suggest you buy their merch and imagine yourself in the mosh pit while you listen.
