Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Mrs Goat: The New Punk Rock on the Block

I had the absolute pleasure back in September of seeing Mrs Goat at Opossum Fest. The whole thing was a sight to behold, all eight bands and the event itself are worthy of blog posts, but one thing at a time. I was one of the first people at Opossum Fest, and with some time to kill before the first band, I decided to walk around the merch stands and talk to some of the artists. It wasn't long until I ran in to Gerrit, Mrs Goat's singer. We got on the topic of what an American is doing at an underground German concert, then the topic of Trump, and then the topic nationalism's dangerous worldwide rise. Right before I left to see the first act, he gave me two stickers. I was surprised, thinking I was going to get some Mrs Goat band stickers, but instead getting political stickers that I wish I could slap on nearly every politicians mouth to shut them up. The first was the RUN DMC logo, except it said "FCK AFD". The other said in large orange stencil letters "REFUGEES WELCOME" and in the middle "BRING YOUR FAMILIES".

Mrs Goat is, in my opinion, the modern incarnation of punk. We could argue and go around in circles for hours about what punk sounds like and how it's evolved, or what is and isn't punk or DIY enough. Regardless of any elitism or purism within the punk subculture, Mrs Goat doesn't try to be anything but itself and stands up against a flawed system. That, quite frankly, is the essence of punk. As for the band's musical style, it feels a lot like if the members of Downplay and Breaking Benjamin grew up listening to Rise Against and Silverstein. The song, "Against This" is especially indicative of this combination. Once you listen to their two song EP, "Mrs Goat", you'll be dying for more as you feel the need to kick down the door to an AfD meeting and say, "You Neo-Nazis can all burn in hell, ya got that?!" At the moment, only the EP exists, but fear not! This past weekend I saw Gerrit at Polar Fest III and asked him about what was going on with the band (as did probably one million other people). He said that the reason that they haven't played since Opossum Fest was that an EP is being made, possibly as well as some music videos! He said to look for it maybe around January or February, and I couldn't be more excited.


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